Collect These Key Pieces of Evidence to Build a Strong Personal Injury Case

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If you have suffered a personal injury due to someone else’s negligence, having the right evidence will help you prove your claim so you can recover fair compensation for all of the damages you have experienced.

There are several pieces of evidence you need to build a strong personal injury case:

Police Report

If you were injured in a traffic crash, such as a motorcycle accidentcar accident or large truck accident, the police were probably called to the scene and an officer completed a crash report. Contact your local police department to find out how to obtain a copy.

The police report establishes a record of the crash. The officer may also note laws that were broken in the accident and his thoughts or opinions on what caused the crash.

Accident Report

If you were injured in a slip and fall accident or another type of accident on someone else’s property, the property owner may have filed an incident report. If not, you can contact the property owner and ask to file a report. Make sure to ask for a copy for your personal injury claim.

While accident reports do not identify who is at fault for your injuries, they show that something occurred and you were injured.

Proof of Lost Wages

If you are pursuing compensation for lost wages, you need documentation from your employer showing when you missed work because of your injury and how much money you lost.

Ask your employer to write a letter documenting your job title and pay rate, the number of regular and overtime hours you typically work in a week, how many days you missed work, and the total compensation you lost.

You will also need a doctor’s note excusing you from work because of your injury.

Medical Records

Ask any physicians and medical professionals who treat you to supply you with records of your visits. You should also ask your primary physician for your records from before the accident. Showing your medical condition before the accident helps to demonstrate how the injuries from the accident have changed your life.

Insurance Policy

If you were injured in a situation for which you have insurance coverage, review your insurance policy to see what type of coverage you have and how much compensation you may be able to recover. Obtain a copy of your insurance policy declarations page, which lists all of your coverage.

Photos and Witness Statements

Take photos of the accident scene. Record the conditions present, as well as property damage caused. You should also photograph your injuries to support their severity.

Eyewitness Accounts of the Accident

Ask any witnesses to create a written statement of the events which took place. You should also ask for their contact information in case you have more questions in the future.


If you incurred any out of pocket expenses due to your injury, keep receipts to show your payments. Your costs may include copays and prescription costs. You will need receipts and bills to prove how much you spent so you can recover compensation for all of your expenses.

Personal Journal

Keep a daily journal following your injury to support the impact of the injury and other details which could help your case. Record conditions which could have contributed to the accident, such as weather conditions, traffic and visibility. Record all events pertaining to your injury, including communication with physicians and insurers.

The personal injury attorneys of Janet, Janet & Suggs, LLC have the experience and legal knowledge to build a strong case in support of your claim. We will fight tirelessly for fair compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Schedule your free, no obligation legal consultation today to find out if we can help you.

Call 1-877-692-3862 or complete our Free Case Evaluation form today.

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