St. Paul, MN

We Are St. Paul, MN, Personal Injury Attorneys

  • Over 40 Years of Experience
  • More Than $3 Billion Won for Our Clients
  • Thousands of Lives Changed


Find out today if you are eligible for compensation.

Why Choose JJS for Your St. Paul Medical Malpractice, Legal Malpractice, Birth Injury, or Sexual Abuse Case?

Janet, Janet & Suggs has uncovered the truth and won over three billion dollars in verdicts and settlements for clients across a wide range of extremely serious and complex cases. Our team of trial attorneys has a proven track record of taking on tough cases involving some of the nation’s largest and most prestigious organizations—and winning. We have represented victims throughout St. Paul, Minnesota, notably securing a $9.3 million verdict in the case of a child who suffered a preventable brain injury during birth that caused cerebral palsy.

If you have a medical malpractice, legal malpractice, birth injury, sexual abuse, or other injury case in St. Paul, we can help hold those responsible accountable and deliver the full measure of justice you deserve. Our in-house medical experts and years of experience in high-profile cases provide us with an advantage that works in your favor. And you’ll never have to pay attorneys’ fees or case costs unless your case is won. Contact our St. Paul, Minnesota injury attorneys today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case.

JJS is a trusted ally who cares about your case and advocates for your legal rights when you need it most. For decades, our nationally recognized team has represented injured individuals and their families with compassionate legal assistance.

Our dedicated attorneys have sought justice for personal injury victims in the toughest and most sensitive cases, including:

Medical Malpractice

If you or a loved one has suffered from a medical provider's negligence or misdiagnosis, you deserve to be heard. A medical malpractice lawyer at JJS can bring some relief to your suffering by taking on your case and working relentlessly to help you fight for the emotional, physical, and financial support you need to recover.

Birth Injuries

No one ever plans for their child's entry into this world to be complicated, yet there are many birth injuries that happen every single year for one reason or another, including because of medical negligence. If your labor and delivery process resulted in a preventable birth injury to your child, you may be able to receive compensation. Let the attorneys at JJS fight for you by investigating the circumstances of your delivery and fighting for your rights.

Cerebral Palsy

Most cerebral palsy cases are diagnosed when the affected child is between the ages of 12 and 24 months as you or their doctor notice developmental or intellectual delays. In many cases, it's possible that your doctor could have prevented the circumstances that caused your child's CP. JJS lawyers will look into the details of your child's birth to identify what may have happened to cause CP and help you seek the compensation you need to continue to care for your child for years to come.

Military Medical Malpractice

Bringing a claim against a large federal agency like a branch of the armed services can be daunting, but our lawyers are ready to stand up to the challenge. If you or your child has been injured due to negligent military medical providers, you deserve to be compensated for your pain, suffering and expenses. We can help you with the fight.

Sexual Abuse

If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, the attorneys at JJS are committed to having your case heard, bringing the responsible parties to justice, protecting your legal rights, and connecting you with the resources you need to recover. JJS lawyers understand how to uncover wrongdoing at an institutional level, to ensure you receive the justice you deserve.

Clergy Sexual Abuse

Pursuing a sexual abuse case can be traumatic for survivors, and when it's against a religious organization or members of the clergy, it can be even more difficult to handle. If you or a family member have experienced sexual abuse at the hands of an institution or person you trusted, the attorneys at JJS will help you protect your rights, seek compensation, and investigate organizational cover-ups.

Call 1-877-692-3862 TODAY. We do not get paid unless you do.

Resources for Minnesota Victims and Survivors

We at JJS also want to provide you with valuable resources you can turn to for education, support, and empowerment. If you are a survivor of sexual abuse, these sources can help.

  • SOS Sexual Violence Services: SOS provides free and confidential services to sexual violence victims and their families, including medical advocacy, group meetings, safety planning, and counseling.
  • Canvas Health: Canvas Health is an organization that helps people of all ages overcome their trauma and abuse.
  • The Aurora Center for Advocacy & Education: Located at the University of Minnesota, The Aurora Center is committed to providing confidential services to students, faculty, and staff members who have experienced sexual abuse, harassment, and violence.
  • Sexual Violence Center: The Sexual Violence Center in nearby Minneapolis serves the communities of Minnesota by working hard to eliminate sexual violence. They provide support to victims of sexual abuse and educate their advocates in an effort to promote a better world.

Consult With a St. Paul Medical Malpractice and Sexual Abuse Attorney

Suffering from sexual abuse or medical malpractice can make you feel very alone, but it doesn't have to be that way. The attorneys at JJS are always here for you and have been for over 40 years. It's important to us that we support those who have had traumatic experiences and stand in their corner as they recover. Contact us today for a free case evaluation and consultation so we can discuss how we can be of help to you.

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case. We’ll help you decide the next steps in your case so that you can focus on healing.

Bremer Tower
445 Minnesota Street
St. Paul, MN 55101

Phone: 1-877-692-3862
Fax: 410-653-9030

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